
Radio transistor 1952
Radio transistor 1952

radio transistor 1952

#Radio transistor 1952 portable

In 1938 Percy Spencer also designed a range of miniature tubes intended for portable applications such as hearing aids. His innovations in magnetron design and production created a platform for Raytheon's success in radar during the Second World War. He redesigned the B rectifier which became the BH and the BA enabling higher operating voltages and introduced a line of transmitting tubes. Percy Spencer became a key figure through his innovations in tube design and production. In 1928 Laurence Marshall became the company president and remained in this position until 1948. The tube was launched late in 1925 with the claim “Revolutionizing the B-Eliminator.” The new direction was celebrated with a new company name: Raytheon and it concentrated on vacuum tubes. This was unsuccessful and the founders elected to begin making gas filled tubes designed for "battery eliminators" that enabled early vacuum tube radio sets to run without expensive high voltage “B” batteries. It was formed to develop a refrigerator with no moving parts. Raytheon was founded by Laurence Marshall, Vannevar Bush and Charles Smith in 1922 and was originally known as the American Appliance Company. The author is very grateful for the assistance from longstanding collectors and researchers of the history of semiconductors acknowledged at the end of this article. This is the story of how Raytheon achieved its spectacular success in semiconductors and the market forces and choices that caused the demise of its semiconductor business in little more than a decade. But it could not maintain its leadership and decided to withdraw from semiconductor markets in 1962. With an entrepreneur’s vision and energy it acquired all the resources and processes to become the World’s leading producer of transistors in the early 1950s. It responded quickly to the public announcement of Bell Laboratories’ invention of the transistor. Raytheon began as a tube manufacturer in the 1922 but established its reputation through its World War Two development of magnetrons and radars, and in the post war era, the development of guided missile systems.

radio transistor 1952

Semiconductor Research and Development at Raytheon

Radio transistor 1952